"Plot is the series of events that moves your characters and story forward." – Holly Lisle, Holly Lisle's Create a Plot Clinic
Without a plot, you don't have a story. But there's a lot of confusion around what exactly a plot is, and how it differs from your story's structure and conflicts. In our October 1st meeting, we'll discuss and illustrate the differences between plot, structure, and conflict. We'll look at some tools for organizing your project, and tools for breaking plotting logjams, and we'll hopefully help you think of plot as a process rather than a product.
Janice Carello teaches Composition at Buffalo State College, and has taught composition, creative writing or literature courses at area colleges including MCC and SUNY-Brockport. She has previously lead a workshop for R-Spec on breaking writer's block. Eric's story "Interesting Times" appeared in R-Spec's anthology 2034: Writing Rochester's Futures, which they both helped to edit.
Presenter: Janice Carello & Eric Scoles
Location: Barnes & Noble, Pittsford
Meeting Time: October 1, 2013 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.