Andre Norton Award
[amazon 015206396X inline] at Amazon
[amazon 0399246398 inline] at Amazon
[amazon 0803733062 inline] at Amazon
[amazon 0805076689 inline] at Amazon
[amazon 0152054278 inline] at Amazon
Little Brother
[amazon 0765319853 inline] at Amazon
[amazon 0152057706 inline] at Amazon
[amazon 0441016502 inline] at Amazon
[amazon 1591027357 inline] at Amazon
[amazon 0061161659 inline] at Amazon
[amazon 0307394409 inline] at Amazon
"The Spacetime Pool" by Catherine Asaro
"Dark Heaven" by Gregory Benford (in [amazon 1582882231 inline], at Amazon)
"Dangerous Space" by Kelley Eskridge [PDF] (in [amazon 1933500131 inline] at Amazon)
"The Political Prisoner" by Charles Coleman Finlay
[amazon 1934648434 inline] at Amazon
"If Angels Fight" by Richard Bowes
"The Ray-Gun: A Love Story" by James Alan Gardner
"Dark Rooms" by Lisa Goldstein
"Pride and Prometheus" by John Kessel
"Night Wind" by Mary Rosenblum in [amazon 1934169919 inline] at Amazon
"Baby Doll" by Johanna Sinisalo (in [amazon 0765315378 inline], at Amazon)
"Kaleidoscope" by K.D. Wentworth
"The Button Bin" by Mike Allen (Helix: A Speculative Fiction Quarterly, Oct07)
"The Dreaming Wind" by Jeffrey Ford (in [amazon 0142413003 inline], at Amazon)
"Trophy Wives" by Nina Kiriki Hoffman (in [amazon 0756404657 inline], at Amazon)
"26 Monkeys, Also the Abyss" by Kij Johnson
"The Tomb Wife" by Gwyneth Jones
"Don't Stop" by James Patrick Kelly
"Mars: A Traveler's Guide" by Ruth Nestvold
[amazon B001GZ6QC4 inline] at Amazon
[amazon B0013FSL3E inline] at Amazon
"The Shrine" by Brad Wright (Stargate Atlantis, Aug08)
F&SF Stories Available
Just in case the existing links don't get there, here is a link for the F&SF stories that were nominated:
This comment showed up as from Anonymous, but it's posted by eDave.
'No Opinion' on all but scripts
I haven't been keeping up on my reading. When do I ever? Trying to write, instead... I've read Little Brother (ripping yarn, wot!), but not likely to get to any of the other Novel picks.
I've seen WALL-E and Dark Knight twice each (I love the way the Nolans deal with moral ambiguity in their films, and Ledger was brilliant, but I have to go with WALL-E). I enjoyed "Mars: A Traveller's Guide", and didn't so much enjoy "Tomb Wife" because it just never quite came together for me.