For our July meeting (July 5), we're going to do something we haven't done before and open the floor for people to read from their own work. Come prepared to read aloud the first 2 pages or about 300 words of something you're working on. (You don't need to read it yourself if you're shy -- someone will be happy to read it for you.) We will have a chance to offer brief, constructive feedback to each reader.
If this works out, we're planning to do it every 3rd meeting -- or once per season, if you will (in July, October, January and April).
Who gets to read? Anyone who gets there in time: The first 7 people who show up with something to read will go on the list. I'll be there at 7pm, greeting and taking names. The opportunity to read will be available to members and non-members alike -- so, please invite friends who are looking for some quick, simple feedback on their first pages. Or just anyone who likes to hear public readings.
What kind of thing should you bring to read? We are still a speculative fiction group, so let them know that's what people will be expecting to hear. Beyond that, and keeping in mind that it's a family environment, we won't be placing any constraints other than length.
We're going to start a little early. To ensure that we have enough time to give feedback to each reader, we'll try to take care of any pre-meeting social business starting about 7:15. We'll start the readings at 7:30 promptly so we can have time to give feedback to each reader.
I hope you'll join us and invite your friends to do the same. Please feel free to share this with friends. Anyone with questions can feel free to eric [dot] scoles [at] r-spec [dot] org (contact me directly).