The writers among us struggle with them. The readers among us sometimes grind their teeth while reading/listening to/viewing them. Infodumps, however, are out there. In fact, many of the most popular works of fiction have them. io9 lists twenty of their favorites in this article. They leave off a few others, like Ringworld and its sequel(s), Dan Brown's works, and many others. Do you have any of note? Use the comments to spout off.
Infodumps, Infolandfills, Infotrashwreckedplanets...
The skills of these authors in delivering so much, so entertainingly! Coping with sheer tsunamis of information seems to have become a potent aspect of human life, to the extent that it rivals coping with society, coping with pain, or coping with oneself. Characters in a story must often spend time (and in suspense) distinguishing a lethal figure from a confusing ground, turning infodumping into an increasingly powerful plot tool.
Great list, great examples, broad reach.
We live in the era when information overwhelms us, and finding our way through it is a journey worth the tale.