“Where do you get your ideas?” is probably the question writers get asked more often than any other, and the answers they give are probably as varied as the authors themselves.
So, where do writers get their story ideas? Is it just inspiration and day dreaming? Is it writing about what they know (or what they don’t know)? Is it reading the news or magazines? Maybe, it’s surfing the Internet or talking with friends and fellow writers. Most likely, it’s all of the above and a whole lot of sources we don’t even consider to be “idea generators.”
In our June 4th meeting, R-SPEC’s Alan Vincent Michaels will lead a discussion on generating story ideas to help you get your stories started and finished!
Facilitator: Alan Michaels
Location: Barnes & Noble, Pittsford
Meeting Time: May 4, 2013 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.
See our poster!