In Tuesday's meeting, we'll try to do several things.
First, we'll spend a few minutes talking about the upcoming elections. The R-SPEC board elections, that is. I anticipate having a deeper discussion of this next meeting, but this will be a warmup, and a way to catch up on business.
Second, I'd like to go around the circle reading some particular piece of work -- preferably a very short example, just a few lines or a paragraph -- that you find has influenced you, either for good or ill. Be prepared to describe what it's given you, or what it's inspired you to do. I'll share a passage from Neuromancer that jumped out at me when I picked up the book a few months ago, and possibly something additional.
I'd also love to see a negative example -- i.e., something I've been moved to NOT emulate, even as I admire it in principle. I haven't thought of one, but will try to before Tuesday.
And in the third half of the show, if anyone is interested, I'd like to talk about scripts -- stage, screen -- in honor of Script Frenzy, which is coming in April. (Script Frenzy is a month-long challenge from the same people who bring you National Novel-Writing Month [NaNoWriMo], except here the challenge is to produce a 100 page script -- screenplay, teleplay, stage play, radio play, what have you -- in the month of April.) We have a number of members who've worked in script form, and Craig deLancey was good enough to talk with us about speculative theatre. I'm planning to try for Script Frenzy, and would love to know if anyone else in the group plans to give it a go and would like to discuss it.