Join us on Tuesday, November 1 as machinima artist and University of Rochester Professor Sarah Higley talks about Machinima: Films recorded using virtual performers, shot in virtual settings constructed in spaces such as Second Life, World of Warcraft, or other rich virtual environments. Sarah will provide examples from her own body of work and that of other machinima artists, as well as providing examples that don't work quite so well.
Sarah (better known in some circles as 'Sally Caves') is a Professor of English at the University of Rochester, where she teaches and does research in medieval literature and language (amongh other things). She's also a respected author of fantasy and science fiction with a long-standing interest in virtual worlds, as exemplified by her most well-known creation, Star Trek: The Next Generation's 'Reg Barkley,' who becomes addicted to his own virtual realities. Her story "The Naked Girl" (published in 2034: Writing Rochester's Futures) explores similar territory, as citizens of a plauge-threatened world shift their social interactions into virtual realms and virtual personae.
We'll meet starting at about 7:00pm in the Community Room at the Pittsford Barnes & Noble (3349 Monroe Avenue, Pittsford NY). Sarah will begin her talk at about 7:30pm.